It’s time for my yearly visit. It’s a pleasure to meet you. (Again). A
Boney hand with bright pink fingernails slowly extends itself towards
Mine, as if this was our first interaction. As if we were strangers.
The air reeks of expired perfume. I sit on the couch, and watch TV,
But no one seems to mind. Not that anyone could hear it, or see it
Anyways. It’s time for my yearly visit. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
I smile big, like the one I saw on the TV last time I was here, and
Wrap my arms around your frail little body, careful not to squeeze
Too tight, I wouldn’t want to strangle a stranger. My eyes sparkle
With excitement, waiting patiently for you to recognize me. They
Told me it always takes a while. It’s time for my yearly visit. I gulp
My final breath of fresh air and walk through the door. This time,
There is no sparkle, only a tear that begins to make its lonely path
down my cheek. I take the corner of my sleeve and wipe it away
Before you see it, I wouldn’t want to cry in front of a stranger.
I want you to know, I’m sorry for being mean to the old woman
Who was living in your body, and pretending to be you. Maybe
I Should’ve hugged her tighter. Maybe I should’ve visited her longer.
Maybe I Should’ve turned off the stupid TV. I love you, stranger.

Maya Barrera is a daughter, student, artist, matcha enthusiast, and shoe junkie. Her first time taking a poetry class has been this year, where she has learned to make her words come alive. Recently, a poem of hers was selected as a winner of the Riverview Art Space youth category of the BeatBurg Poetry Competition. She looks forward to continuing her passion for poetry in later years.