I created this artwork as a way to exhibit my main insecurity - my face. I've spent years obsessing over my skin's flaws, my facial features, and every single other imperfection I could find. I have, by no means, gotten over this lack of confidence and self-love, but making this art was therapeutic. As I drew my features and colored them in, I kept on marveling at how beautiful the artwork looked, contrary to my beliefs about my face in real life. Maybe, in the end, I was wrong.

Angela Xu (@axu_arts on Instagram) is a 16 year old living in Central Jersey. She has been making art her whole life, mainly focusing on traditional, self-portrait art that exhibits her life and identity through her own eyes. She has been recognized by the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, the Congressional Art Competition, and various other regional and international art contests. When not in the art studio, she can be found playing tennis on her high school team, reading, listening to music, or watching her favorite TV shows.