You’ve changed-
As if the sun ripped the fire
Out of its own flames,
Watching the clouds burn down
Into ivory ash,
Leaving a once lustrous sunset
Gray and black.
You’ve changed;
It was only a few years ago
That when I was close to you,
Your warmth would wrap me in
And your hands,
Lingering on my waist, completed me
As you captured my soul
In your creamy gaze.
You’ve changed;
Your voice no longer drowns me in
It’s immaculate vibrance
And resounding sweetness,
Filling the void inside of me,
Lighting up my personality.
You’ve changed
Like a subtle wind that picks up
And a light drizzle that wasn’t there before,
A memory changed,
History rewritten-
The type of history
That changes the course of everything.
You’ve changed
Like when the ice in your glass
Drip-drips until its liquid.
The remnants of your passion have dissolved;
You can’t seem to look at me like I’m your world.
The intensity in your
Has faded.
If I was your world,
You would look at me like
I had ripped out the fire
From my own flames,
Leaving myself in gray.
The rush that you felt
As you held me close
Would give you away.
You’ve changed,
You’ve changed.

Trisha Beher is a youth artist, writer, and activist. She loves illustrating the subtle nuances of life in the writing and artwork she creates. Trisha aims to connect to diverse audiences on a deeper level through her work.

Jillian is an aspiring writer from Long Island, New York. Her work has received national recognition in the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards and has been published in the Apprentice Writer literary journal. In fall 2020, she will be attending Stony Brook University to study creative writing. When she isn’t writing poetry or short fiction, Jillian is reading, riding horses, or drinking obscene amounts of tea.You can find her on Instagram @jmcarson_poetry.