do you think of me?
like i think of you?
do i live in your mind
haunting you?
how do you refer to me?
how do you tell people
about what we were,
what we had?
do you even talk about me?
because i talk about you
you float around in my mind
a tattoo on the inside of my skull
and i don’t know if i love you
or if i love the idea of you
of what you represent
of what you represented
and even though it’s been so long
it’s still recent
you’re still recent
because i think i remember
the way you made me feel
and the words you used
that made me feel liked and loved
for once in my life
but did i love you
or did i love what you represented?
do i look back fondly
on that time in my life
because i choose not to remember
your flaws and negativities
is that what love is?
remembering only the good parts
of you
but i remember the bad parts too
the parts i didn’t agree with
but i want to make them go away
i don’t want to remember those parts
all i want to remember is your warmth
and i want to hear your voice
and see your face
and revel in your energy
and bask in your soul
and all of this sounds like i love you
but i don’t know if it’s real
am i just looking at the past
and putting a positive spin on it all?
a nice, pretty filter
to cover up the terrible parts?
because i want myself
to want to hate you
for what you did
so many times
for abandoning me
leaving me adrift
leaving me alone
but i don’t want to be alone
i want to cling to the only person
who ever liked me
but we weren’t anything, were we?
so do you still think of me?
do you talk about me?
how do you refer to me?
since we weren’t ever anything
but god,
i wish we had been something
something that you cherished
so do you think about me?
because i want you to, desperately
and i know i’m being
dramatic and theatrical and emotional
but that’s how i am with everything
so why shouldn’t those parts of myself
those toxic, infectious parts
spread to what we had?
because i want you to have missed me
every day
i want you to regret what happened
i want you to be consumed
by memories of me
i want to be someone’s
every waking thought
is that so selfish of me?
to want to be someone’s world?
is it so selfish
to want to be the center of attention?
maybe not the center
of the whole world
but just to one person
i want to be looked at
like i hung the moon and the stars
i want love
that someone would die for
i want love that i would die for
i want what the lovers of Pompeii had
what the triassic cuddle had
embraced and ensconced
forever resting
finally at peace

Jessalyn Alessandri is a senior at Methuen (MA) High School. She enjoys reading, writing, making ceramics, and playing with her cats.