A marble cat sits on a mantel. Looks at the window, they won’t let him in. Sits alone guarding the place of the old cat games. Doesn’t move because he has to keep an eye on the house. The tall grass tickles his nose. Sometimes a pine cone will fall into his paws and
sometimes a mosquito will take a nap on. Rests in silence letting the wind rub him on the head. Once cherries were falling on his back, and children were feeding him with fish of grass. His nose is red from lipstick when a cheerful girl painted him a smile. And paws are still white but in a grey way. The marble tail lays quietly curled. It is windy, the sun is hiding and everyone is staying indoors. But not our cat. He proudly stares in the window. He does not bother anyone, and does not meow. Does not follow its own paths. Does not rub against you. Does not curl his tail around you and does not nap with you. Not skilled in expressing himself stays perfectly content with the silence. Constant steadiness. Looks at the window.
They won’t let him in.

Barbara earned a B.A. in English philology with Chinese from Silesian University in Katowice, Poland, where she became interested in literature, linguistics, cultural dimensions, and social problems. Currently, she is an M.A. candidate in English philology at Jagiellonian University, Cracow. She took creative writing workshops at Jagiellonian University, taught by an American writer Michael Downs, who encouraged her to publish my pieces. Recently, my piece of non-fiction “Sand” was appreciated and published in Ligeia Magazine, Baltimore, USA.