What’s it going to take
To make me feel twelve again?
Splashing in puddles
Made by sun showers,
Placing purple wildflowers
In my braids and
Pockets of bedazzled jeans
As loose as my heartstrings.
When my first heartbreak was
Living and breathing,
My last bit of freedom
Before transitioning from
Girlhood into womanhood.
Something as petrifying to me as
The reality of
Growing up and
Acknowledging death as normality.
Though my heart still aches by
The thought of limitation,
I continue to choose liberation.

Naulia is 17 years old. She lives in Maine, USA with her mom, dad, and twin sister. She has been writing since she was 9 and she hopes that her writing can reach the hearts of people all over the world.

Jillian is an aspiring writer from Long Island, New York. Her work has received national recognition in the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards and has been published in the Apprentice Writer literary journal. In fall 2020, she will be attending Stony Brook University to study creative writing. When she isn’t writing poetry or short fiction, Jillian is reading, riding horses, or drinking obscene amounts of tea.You can find her on Instagram @jmcarson_poetry.