oh romeo, oh romeo
a red hot tsunami burned
in your wine pillaged throat
for a damsel distressed by your
veneration for her preteen graces
you balanced on her trellis
and unbeknownst to you
traced the outline of your love
in sequin dipped nights but
you were given too much credit
for as the contents of the chalice
seared your heart juliet was
wondering why her eyes would not
flutter open to the fool whos fingers
were still wrist deep in his throat scraping
clots of burning cold poison out from his larynx
yet juliet was the one who suffered
in the wake of the tragedy
romeo and juliet were not
the heroes of the story
they penned together burned into
obsidian after death
the funeral pyre
balancing their slowly bruising bodies
is leaving the vessels caught between
their fingers intertwined
i too once loved a girl
i too once loved a boy
i never got to give them my word
that i too would climb the rusting wood
of funeral pyres and vacated thrones
swirling with ashes
i sincerely hope i will never
see the pennsylvanian skies
watching me play russian roulette
with blackberries and blackberry wine
churned from the night sky
i am romeo and juliet

Jillian is a 15 year old poet from Pennsylvania. They write about mental health, identity, and outer space, among other things. In their free time, they compete in speech and debate, watch Euphoria, and run track. Their interest include their cat, Taylor Swift, and “If They Come For Us” by Fatimah Asghar