This piece represents what Clinical Depression has felt like for me. The way the figure is hunched over significantly shows how they feel like they've lost control of their ability to enjoy life to the point that their posture looks painful. In addition to the pain they may feel from their posture, they also have a rope wrapped tightly around their head to symbolize how trapped they feel in their own mind that only lowers their head further with the weighted ball attached to the end of the rope. The bright colors in the background of the figure contrasts how dark their world could be and maybe almost annoying how happy everyone else can seem in the middle of their lonely feelings.

Natalie Eichel’s mind has never stopped racing as a patient who has had a difficult mental health history including rare experiences, known as Conversion Disorder that has changed the way she has learned to handle constant uncomfortable feelings. However, with the help of her treatment teams that have come and gone, Natalie has learned to create art and write not only just for fun, but also as a way to heal.