Welcome to my head.
Please, come in, come in. Do make yourself comfortable.
Oh, don’t let the clutter stop you, it’s alright, I promise—I’ve just got a lot going on up here, you see.
I’ve been spending a great deal of time here—in residence, you might say—as of late, and it seems I’ve gotten a bit carried away.
I now have quite an impressive collection of thoughts; just there, to your left, d’you see? I’m afraid they’re the reason for this untidiness, though it’s highly unusual for them to pile up like so. I suppose I just didn’t notice how many there were before. Of course, considering how much I roam about now, it’d be a feat to pass them by…
Well, the truth is, I used to be so focused, flicking and flitting from place to place, that I hardly paid any attention to the details here. There was no need to. Everything was running smoothly. Why inspect the gears of a clock that tells the right time?
Anyway, I mean to say, I’ve become a tad more adventurous now that I have nowhere to flick or flit, and the results are certainly intriguing. Extraordinary things, I’ve discovered, I tell you! I’d love to give you the full tour, if you’re interested.
I’ll start with the obvious; as I mentioned before, my collection of thoughts is robust, and I’m certain they’re popping up more frequently and with greater breadth now…but of course, there’s no way to objectively verify that theory, is there, as I’d have to think about it, and then there would be more thoughts…
Oh, there’s another one! I swear, the pile grows rapidly all the time I’m here, I simply don’t know what to do with it. But I’ve cleared a path here so we don’t have to get caught up in all that thinking. There are the memories, as well; I don’t quite understand how those are different from the thoughts, but that’s alright…
And—oh, oh dear, those are the fears over there. Let’s avoid those, shall we?
What was that?
Hmm. Yes. I suppose there are quite a lot, over in that dimly lit corner.
Now, I wouldn’t say that, it’s more like a fear of judgment, you know, of people taking all these thoughts I have and what I say about them and misinterpreting them and attacking me or disliking me or disrespecting me or humiliating me or, and this might be worse, you know, simply not even trying to understand me, you know, which is so thoroughly against the point, because obviously, the point is to be understood—but look at me running away with myself! Look here; we’ll go around. Please, just ignore them. They’ll ruin the mood. This way—
Really, you don’t have to—
I see.
Oh, well, that’s very kind of you to say. I suppose I needed to hear that.

Claire Fox is a 17-year-old writer from California’s Central Valley. She is a book addict, an obsessive proofreader of everything from essays to public signs to text messages, and a Senior Editor for Polyphony Lit Magazine. Her work appears in Kalopsia Literary Journal, Write the World, and her school’s literary magazine. Having ideas is her most favorite hobby, but she thinks superlatives are always used incorrectly.